The Patriarch of Romania awarded on Wednesday the Patriarch of Jerusalem the “St. John Jacob of Neamț, the New Khozevite”. The distinction was granted in the context of the Solemn Year 2021 in the Romanian Patriarchate and it was transmitted to Jerusalem by Archim. Teofil Anăstăsoaie, Representative of the Romanian Patriarchate in the Holy Land.
Another hierarch who was awarded the new order was His Grace Qais, Bishop of Erzurum (Patriarchate of Antioch).
Other recipients of the order were clerics and laypeople – journalists from the BASILICA Press Centre of the Romanian Patriarchate, from the public radio, from the Romanian Television and from the independent Orthodox Christian publication Lumea credinței (“The World of Faith”).
They promoted in their activity the message of the Solemn Year 2021: unity in the faith of Romanians from all over the world.
The orders were offered in a short ceremony at the Palace of the Patriarchate. The Solemn Year 2021.
“The year dedicated to the pastoral care of Romanians from outside the borders was an opportunity to emphasize the fact that the homeland of the Romanians is their Orthodox faith and Romanian spirituality,” affirmed Patriarch Daniel in a short message about the importance of keeping the unity in thoughts and feelings with Romanians from all over the world.
Please find below the integral list of the recipients of the “St. John Jacob of Neamț, the New Khozevite” Order.
- His Beatitude Theophilos, Patriarch of Jerusalem
- His Grace Qais, Bishop of Erzurum, Patriarchate of Antioch
- Fr. Ionuț-Gabriel Corduneanu, Patriarchal Administrative Vicar
- Archim. Teofil Anăstăsoaie, Representative of the Romanian Patriarchate in the Holy Land
- Archim. Dionisie Constantin, Patriarchal Counsellor
- Michael Tița, Patriarchal Counsellor
- Fr. Sorin Șelaru, Patriarchal Counsellor, Representance of the Romanian Patriarchate by the EU Institutions
- Archd. Georgică Grigoriță, Patriarchal Counsellor
- Fr. Neluțu Oprea, the Romanian Orthodox Community in Sofia, Bulgaria
- Fr. Sergiu-Marcel Vlad, the Romanian Orthodox Community in Istanbul, Turkey
- Fr. Răzvan-Vasile Tatu, the Romanian Orthodox Community in South Africa
- Fr. Protopop Ioan Armași, Dean of Bucharest’s Sector 4
- Fr. Alexandru Trușcă, Trinitas TV, maker of the film Credința, patria românilor de pretutindeni (“Faith, the Homeland of Romanians from All Over the World”)
- Acad. Ioan-Aurel Pop, President of the Romanian Academy
- Ciprian Olinici, Patriarchal Counsellor
- Cristina Liberis, Trinitas TV, maker of the show România de peste granițe (“The Romania from Abroad”)
- Daniela Șontică, Radio Trinitas, maker of the show Mărturii de ieri pentru azi (“Testimonies from Yesterday for Today”)
- Diana Parizianu, Radio Trinitas, maker of the show Viața de familie (“Family Life”)
- Petru Mihalea, Trinitas TV, maker of the documentary Români în gulagul sovietic (“Romanians from the Soviet Gulag”)
- Dorin Stănescu, Radio Trinitas, maker of the show România din inima mea (“Romania in My Heart”)
- Andrei-Victor Dochia, producer of the show “Universul Credinței” (“The Universe of Faith”), TVR
- Răzvan Bucuroiu, Editorial Director of Lumea credinței (“The World of Faith”)
- Remus Rădulescu, Coordinator of Religious Shows with Radio Romania
The “St. John Jacob of Neamț, the New Khozevite” Order was established by the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church in its working meeting on December 16, 2021.
It is especially destined to Orthodox Christian writers, librarians and monks with outstanding life, as well as to supporters of pilgrimages and monastic life and to promoters of Orthodox Christian literature.
It can be granted to hierarchs (with engolpion), to clerics (with pectoral cross), to monks (with a cross-shaped badge) and to laypeople (with a cross-shaped badge).
Photo credit: / Mircea Florescu