The Feast of the Holy Trinity is also the patronal feast of the Basilica Media Centre of the Romanian Patriarchate. On this occasion, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel addressed a message of congratulations for the institution’s rich and responsible activity on Monday.
“We joyfully congratulate those who work with passion and dedication in the Basilica Media Centre, and we thank them for their rich and responsible activity of communicating in society the message of faith and the social work of our Church”, said the Patriarch of Romania at the festive reception organised Monday at the Palace of the Patriarchate.
Basilica Media Centre of the Romanian Patriarchate – 16 years of media coverage of the Orthodox Christian message
The Basilica Media Centre of the Romanian Patriarchate was established on October 27, 2007, as a media ensemble absolutely necessary for the Church, as a multiple tools for communication and for renewing its pastoral-educational mission in a pluralistic and rapidly changing society in which the morally formative and cultural Christian message may be transmitted more effectively.
The establishment of the Basilica Media Centre was a new initiative but not a complete innovation in the recent activity of the Church. The oldest media component of the Patriarchate, the Press and Public Relations Office, appeared soon after 1990, following a proposal from the social reflection area of the Church at the time of the fall of the communist regime.
In 2007, Radio Trinitas had almost ten years of experience, and the daily Lumina Newspaper had two years of uninterrupted publication. Naturally, but with a lot of effort and extensive involvement of the Church, Trinitas TV and the Basilica News Agency were added.
This year, 2023, marks 25 years since the first transmission of Radio Trinitas (1998) and 15 years since the posting of the first online news of the Basilica News Agency (2008).
There was and still is a justified need for the Church to use inspired and reliable new media means of proclaiming the Gospel message on which the essential part of European culture was built: Christian civilization.
The five components of the Basilica Media Centre have as their primary purpose the presentation of the Christian faith and the life of the Romanian Orthodox Church.
The Basilica Media Centre, born and developed in the Church, even bearing its Latin name, addresses through its various means of communication all those who feel the presence of God or seek the love and help of the Most Holy Trinity.
The Lord Jesus Christ, the One who is “the Way, the Truth and the Life” (John 14: 6), constitutes the vital centre around which the media activity of the Church gravitates, together with its liturgical, pastoral, philanthropic, cultural and social work.
In the Solemn Year of the pastoral care of the elderly and the Commemorative Year of Hymnographers and Church chanters, the Basilica Media Centre already contributes substantially to promoting and facilitating activities and events dedicated to the two vast topics.
The pastoral care of older people is carried out today, including through the radio and televised transmission of the Divine Liturgy from the Patriarchal Cathedral, but also by the words of instruction, spiritual strengthening and encouragement spoken in the liturgical framework.
The media activity of the Romanian Patriarchate carried out through the Basilica Media Centre is increasingly known and naturally appreciated by Romanians living outside Romania.
The new shows and columns (radio, television and newspaper), news articles and messages appropriate to the social reality in which the Romanian Orthodox Church is evolving both in the country and abroad contribute beneficially to informing, preserving the spiritual identity and Christian-Orthodox solidarity around permanent moral values, verified and confirmed in the history of humanity and Christianity as essential for community life.
In our Church’s 16 years of media ministry, the Basilica Media Centre has become an essential promoter of ecclesial communion in the country and the Romanian diaspora.
The cultivation of collaboration between the clergy and lay believers, between the Church and society, the promotion in the public space of the Church’s institutions, activities and official reactions, the mediating of social-philanthropic and cultural-missionary campaigns, the presentation of the current dialogue between faith and culture, all these outline the activity of the Romanian Orthodox Church today.
On this day of celebration of the Holy Trinity, we extend warm thanks for missionary cooperation to all those who faithfully support the activity of the Basilica Media Centre: hierarchs, clerics, monastics and lay believers of the Church.
We joyfully congratulate those who work with passion and dedication in the Basilica Media Centre and thank them for their rich and responsible activity of communicating the message of faith and the social work of our Church to society.
We pray to the Most Holy Trinity to bless all the workers and supporters of the Basilica Media Centre of the Romanian Patriarchate, giving them all health, peace, joy and much help!
† Daniel
Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church
Photography courtesy of / Mircea Florescu
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