Nun who served as abbess of Romanian Tismana Monastery for more than 50 years reposes in the Lord

The stavrophore nun Mother Jerusalema (Gligor), who labored in monasticism for 75 years, including more than 50 years as abbess of Tismana Monastery, was solemnly laid to rest on Saturday at the monastery she led for so many years.

The service was officiated by His Grace Bishop Nicodim of Severin and Strehaia, who recalled that Mother Jerusalima always fulfilled every monastic obedience placed upon her with great love and dedication.

“She was an example of monastic life, of humility and love, but also of care for the community of monasteries,” His Grace said, emphasizing that Mother Jerusalema was “a good administrator and perfect housekeeper, a lover of service and good order, managing to carry the helm of Tismana Monastery in the most difficult times, for over 50 years.”

Archimandrite Vladimir Dărângă from the cathedral in Craiova also spoke about how important Mother Jerusalema was for the monastic life in the southwestern province of Oltenia and beyond: “Mother Jerusalima sent disciples who opened and reopened monasteries in the metropolitan city of Oltenia, among which we mention: Cârcea, Orșova, Strâmba and others, caring for all like a mother.”

He also emphasized that she was a tough mother who applied the canons with precision and thus, “filled the cemetery of the monastery with saints, who will probably form a Matericon of Tismana in the future.”

“Today we are at the funeral of a happy woman, a woman who knew with all her heart and with all her love to put her death before her eyes and not to make her position as abbess a wound to anyone,” said Fr. Constantin Necula from the Faculty of Theology in Sibiu.

Stavrophore Jerusalema Gligor

Mother Jerusalima was born on June 7, 1929, in Ocna Sibiului. She entered monasticism at the age of 17 at Bistrița Monastery in 1946. In 1951, together with a group of nuns, she transferred to Tismana Monastery.

On December 26, 1958, she was appointed abbess after the arrest of the monastery’s Board of Directors on false charges. She ended up leading the monastic community for more than 50 years, until 2010.

Mother Jerusalema is especially remembered and cherished for her philanthropic activity and for managing to preserve and restore the entire monastery.

She passed away on Aptil 21, 2021, after a long sufferance.

Photo credit: Diocese of Severin and Strehaia

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