New book explores continuity of dialogue between theology, philosophy and science in Romania

Basilica Publishing House of the Romanian Patriarchate included a valuable collection of studies written by Romanian scholars in English on the relationship between theology, philosophy and science.

The new book entitled “The Relationship between Theology, Philosophy, and Science: an Eastern Christian Perspective” includes articles signed by prof. Adrian Lemeni, Archdeacon Sorin Mihalache, Costea Munteanu, Dan Chițoiu, Fr. Petre Comșa, Fr. Răzvan Ionescu, Ștefan Afloarei, Ștefan Trăușan-Matu.

In the foreword, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel stresses that the experience of the past fifteen years allows us to affirm the continuity of a dialogue between theology, philosophy, and science in Romania. This dialogue was actively supported and encouraged by the Romanian Orthodox Church.

“Faith is not grounded on ignorance or hostility towards scientific or philosophical inquiry, conducted by reason. It is a superior mode of knowledge expressing communion with the Truth-Creator of the universe and giver of eternal life, which transcends any demonstration,” the Patriarch of Romania notes.

Read an excerpt and order the book on the website of the Patriarchate’s Bookstore.

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