“Let us offer those in need a kind word, material aid, or a prayer, fulfilling the words of the Savior: ‘Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for Me,’” urged Metropolitan Petru of Bessarabia in his pastoral letter for the celebration of the Nativity of the Lord according to the unrevised calendar.
“The Nativity of the Lord marks the beginning of our salvation. Christ calls us to welcome Him into our hearts, become light in this world’s darkness, and direct our steps toward the Kingdom of God. Saint John the Evangelist assures us: ‘God is light; in Him, there is no darkness at all,’” continued His Eminence.
“Let us pray to the Infant Jesus to illuminate our lives, grant us the joy of salvation, and clothe us in His boundless love. Let us preserve the Orthodox faith, live in unity, and boldly proclaim the Truth of Christ.”
Bessarabian Saints
In his pastoral letter to the faithful in the Republic of Moldova, Metropolitan Petru recalled the Saints originating from Bessarabia, whose canonization will be officially proclaimed this year.
These include Saint Sofian of Antim, Saint Heraclius of Bessarabia, and Priest-Martyr Alexander of Bessarabia.
“The official proclamation of these three Bessarabian Saints will take place this year, 2025, during the Centennial celebration of the recognition of the Romanian Orthodox Church as a Patriarchate and the Centennial of the elevation of the Metropolis of Bessarabia to metropolitan rank. This dual celebration underscores the profound connection between our unity in faith and nationhood and the veneration of those who sanctified the places where they lived through their holy lives,” noted His Eminence Metropolitan Petru.
“Honoring these saints is a call for each of us to follow their example. Through prayer, fasting, humility, and acts of charity, let us strive to be a light for those around us, just as they were a light in their time.”
“Let us pray to the new Bessarabian Saints for peace, steadfastness in faith, and the blessing of all Romanians everywhere. May their lives inspire our generations and those to come, and may their prayers protect us throughout all the days of our lives,” urged the Metropolitan of Bessarabia.
Photo: Metropolis of Bessarabia