His Grace Benedict of Bistrița, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Vad, Feleac and Cluj, donated blood with clerics from the eparchy.
Dean Dan Hognogi of the Cluj I Deanery took this initiative, in response to an urgent humanitarian appeal to help the 45-year-old wife of a local priest, who needs blood transfusions as a treatment.
The hierarch and the clerics donated blood at the Regional Centre for Blood Transfusion in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
“Intenționăm ca și pe viitor, să organizăm astfel de campanii de donare de sânge la nivel de Protopopiat. Îndemnul de a dona se adresează nu doar preoților, ci și credincioșilor buni din parohiile pe care le păstoresc, cu conștiința că prin jertfa fiecăruia putem salva o viață,” stated Dean Dan Hognogi at Radio Renașterea, the eparchial radio station.
His Grace Benedict of Bistrița said that each of us needs to follow our Saviour Jesus Christ’s example, who offered Himself as a supreme Sacrifice by giving His life on the Cross.
Through their involvement, the priests want to set an example and thus raise awareness about the urgent need for blood in medical units across Romania, which has become a constant issue.
Statistics show that 2% of Romania’s population donates blood manually, which represents only a fifth of the EU average percentage.
Through the blood donation campaigns organized since 2013, the Romanian Patriarchate is the institution that has most encouraged the increase in the number of blood donors.
Photo credit: Fr Marius Cristian Focșanu / Radio Renașterea
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