Feast lights Peddling Depot

The “Feast Lights” peddling depot was inaugurated this afternoon.

The consecrating service was celebrated by His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church, in the presence of several hierarchs of the Holy Synod.

“This is a necessary job, because the church objects must be selected, because we must cultivate the liturgical beauty and elegance. It is much better to have fewer but better icons, than lots of icons not well enough done, not Orthodox enough, or not artistic enough. This is why a culture of the icons’ selection is needed, as well as of the church objects because the blessing says: “bless, God, those who love the beauty of Your House” which fact also means common sense, as well as liturgical beauty”, His Beatitude Daniel explained.

His Beatitude awarded distinctions and diplomas of honour to those who arranged and equipped the new depot. Rev. Protosingel Ioachim Bejenariu, director of the peddling service of the Archdiocese of Bucharest received the order “Saints Emperors Constantine and Helen” on behalf of His Beatitude – informs Trinitas TV.

The catalogue of the products and offer of the Peddling Depot was also presented during the same event.

Counsellors of the Archdiocese of Bucharest, abbots and abbesses of the monasteries close to Bucharest, the employees of the peddling shops, as well as the collaborators and supporters attended the inauguration.

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