Famous Orthodox Photography Website celebrates 15th anniversary

The renowned OrthPhoto.net website dedicated to Orthodox Photography celebrated Wednesday, April 10, its 15th anniversary.

Defined as an online community of amateur and professional photographers who wish to share and exhibit photographs presenting the Orthodox Christian faith as experienced throughout the world, OrthPhoto was established on April 10, 2004.

The online gallery of Orthodox pictures is available in ten languages including Romanian, English, French, Bulgarian, Greek, Polish, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian and Albanian.

According to the statistics made public, until present 97,909 photos depicting Orthodox Christian life were uploaded to the platform by 5,531 photographers.

10653 photos have been uploaded to the site’s category Romania.

On their anniversary, the OrthPhoto editorial team announced that they will start several pan-Orthodox projects, including an anniversary photo exhibition.

Over time, the OrthPhoto portal has collaborated with the Orthodox Metropolis of Warsaw to edit photo albums titled ‘Colours of Orthodoxy’.

In 2013, the OrthPhoto team displayed several pictures depicting the life of the Orthodox Church in Poland at the Patriarchate’s Palace in Bucharest.

The photo exhibition was visited by His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel.

In addition, the album titled ‘Colours of Orthodoxy. Romania’ was awarded first prize won first place in “Best Illustrated Book” Category at the 12th edition of the Illumination through books contest held in Moscow on Nov. 2, 2017.

Photo: OrthPhoto / Facebook

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