Ecumenical Patriarch celebrates festive Divine Liturgy at Haskoy Church founded by St Constantine Brâncoveanu

His Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew on Friday celebrated the Divine Liturgy at one of Constantinople’s churches founded by Ruler Prince Saint Constantine Brâncoveanu in 1692.

The Church is dedicated to the glorious Virgin-Martyr Saint Paraskevi and has been the spiritual home of Romanians in Istanbul and the surroundings since 2004.

This year’s patronal feast was attended by Greek and Romanian officials including Greece’s Consul General in Istanbul Georgia Soultanopoulou, and Consul Alexandru Opaschi.

Following the Divine Liturgy, all those present visited the Romanian folk costumes exhibition organized at the church’s refectory to mark the Solemn Year of the Romanian Village.

On display were 100-year old folk costumes from different parts of Romania.

Photo: fr. Sergiu Vlad

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