Disciple of Saint Nikephoros the Leper and the most modern canonized Saint: 25 years since his repose

On May 23, we commemorate 25 years since the repose of the most modern saint, who was canonized by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople in March 2022: Venerable Evmenios Saridakis.

Known primarily as a disciple of Saint Nikephoros the Leper, Evmenios himself had leprosy, which he accepted with joy and from which he was later healed.

He was born on January 1, 1930, into a low-income family in the village of Ethia on the island of Crete.

His devout parents, George and Sofia Saridakis, named him Constantine at Baptism. Orphaned by his father at just two years old, he longed from a young age to become a monk. He was not like other children his age but had the habit of spending long periods in the village church and the surrounding churches, where he prayed and spent evenings in vigil.

In the winter of 1944, sitting by the fireplace with his two sisters and mother, eating doughnuts, he was filled with a light that brought him great joy, telling his sisters: “I will become a monk!” He was fourteen years old then. Indeed, in 1947, he left home and joined the “Saint Nikitas” Monastery in Achendria, a small monastery carved into a cave on the southern side of Crete, towards the Libyan Gulf.

He accepted the disease with joy

After four years, in 1951, he was tonsured a monk and received the name Sophronios. In 1959, he joined the army, as military service was mandatory then, even for monks. Later, at his ordination as a priest, he received the name Evmenios, which means “goodwill.”

During his military service, he developed a fever and showed the first symptoms of leprosy.

“I felt like someone was driving an iron rake into my back and pulling the flesh off me,” he would say. And he thought to himself: “What is this pain? Holy Mother of God, what kind of pain is this? I have never felt such pain in my life!”

After many medical examinations, a doctor told him: “Listen, Soldier Saridakis, the police and health service must come immediately and take you to Athens because you have contracted Hansen’s disease, leprosy.”

Upon hearing this unpleasant news, he said: “Are you serious, doctor? I have leprosy? Will I bear this great cross?” “Yes,” replied the doctor. And out of joy, Constantine fell out of bed.

When asked later why he was so happy, the Elder explained: “Because when God sends you a great illness, it means it is a great cross. And if you endure it, with God’s power, a great cross brings a great resurrection! When I was diagnosed with Hansen’s disease, I prayed and said: ‘My God, I am not worthy to bear such a great cross! Do you love me so much? Thank you very much! Just help me to endure it!'”

“I suffered! But as much as I suffered with my body, my heart rejoiced!” confessed the venerable one.

Thus, in 1957, Evmenios was transferred to the leprosy hospital in Athens. Since a suitable remedy for leprosy had been discovered in 1947, which he was diagnosed with in time, he gradually recovered. Nevertheless, he remained at the leprosy hospital to serve the lepers.

With Venerable Nikephoros’s arrival at the leprosy hospital and Saint Anthimos’s written recommendation, Monk Sophronios made St Nikephoros one of his mentors. They conducted their services and prayers separately, fasted, and did not eat meat, even though the doctors advised them to eat it.

Over time, the holy lives of the two monks reached the ears of many devout people who, when visiting the lepers, sought to meet the two saints for their spiritual benefit.

Evmenios, always benevolent

Elder Evmenios was always a warm person, always benevolent and smiling, even in moments of suffering.

A devout woman, astonished, asked him: “How do you manage, Father, to always be joyful and smiling?” The saint replied: “Blessed one, these are the smiles I received from heaven!”

Venerable Evmenios departed to the heavenly realms on May 23, 1999. The Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople canonized him as a saint in March 2022.

Photo: protothema.gr

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