Brought by Virgin Mary to the Romanian Settlement in Jericho: “My home is here,” Sister Elena says

The national news agency AGERPRES published an article about Romanian women living in the Holy Land. Along with those who got there after marriage, the journalists also included Sister Elena, a former educator who aspires to become a nun. She said that the love of the Mother of God called her to the Romanian Settlement in Jericho.

Sister Elena is one of the five people caring for the Romanian Settlement in Jericho. She travelled to the Holy Land shortly after retirement, raising the money for the journey with great sacrifices.

She started her activity in Jericho by preparing meals for the pilgrims: “I didn’t leave the kitchen until I had everything ready until the table was ready. Pilgrims came on pilgrimage, I mean Romanians, and they were also accommodated at the settlement,” she noted.

She hopes the Romanian Settlement at Jericho will be reopened, although this would involve adding more workers: “It is a great necessity for the pilgrims who need it and come to the Holy Land,” she said.

“Instead of paying elsewhere, why not [pay] in the Romanian Settlement, in the House of God, because the church belongs to the Romanians.”

“Pilgrims have come and still come from Italy, that is, Romanians who have gone to Italy, Spain, Canada and visit us and pray here,” Sister Elena noted. “Christian Arabs also come, who only worship, but do not participate in services. They worship, leave a name list and give glory to God.”

Most Romanian mothers who come on pilgrimage to the Romanian Settlement in Jericho have problems with their children having various addictions.

Why did she choose the Romanian Settlement in Jericho? “I felt the love; the Mother of God actually brought me here,” said the former educator.

When she came to the Holy Land, Sister Elena did so, intending never to go back home. “My home is here. Here I live, as God further ordained.”

For now, the Romanian Settlement at Jericho cannot welcome pilgrims. It is only open for visits. It is hoped that accommodation services can be resumed this September. Sister Elena, an educator for 40 years, could be tonsured a nun in October.

Photography courtesy of Agerpres Foto / Cătălin Soci

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