Thanks to the efforts of Pro Vita Iași, the pro-life department of the Romanian Orthodox Archdiocese of Iași, the house of a large family with 10 children is undergoing repairs and reconstruction. Interior renovation was started on Monday.
Mihai and Cristina Cârtițe and their 10 children are used to living simply and are satisfied with what little they have. Two of the family children, Sidonia and Ionela, are outstanding students and benefit from scholarships offered by the Archdiocese of Iași.
When Pro Vita Iași representatives visited, the roof was leaking, leaving only one inhabitable room, heated with an electric heater.
The project provides for the restoration of the entire house and the installation of utilities. One hallway will also be turned into a bathroom. Thus far, the new roof and exterior plastering of the house in Costești, Iași County, have been completed.

Work was delayed because of the rain and because the price of construction materials has gone up this year.
The remaining costs have been estimated to 16,000 Euros, of which 10,000 have already been donated by the Save a Heart Association.
Pro Vita Iași’s “Gift for Children” project aims to improve inhabiting conditions for the families included in the “St Stylianos” Solidarity Programme for Large Families of the Archdiocese of Iași. The programme also sponsors good students from large families.
Pro Vita Iași has functioned as a department of the Archdiocese of Iași since 2011 with the goal to protect and nurture life starting from conception. It offers support for mothers and families, it promotes the culture of life and pro-family education.
In 2018, the Metropolis of Moldavia and Bukovina decided to establish pro-life departments in all its eparchies.
On the website (“Giftforchildren”)
Bank transfer
Cont euro: RO 68 CECE IS10C1EUR1103231 (EUR)
Bank: CEC Bank
Owner: Mitropolia Moldovei și Bucovinei – Pro Vita
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