Bp. Lucian prays for foresters: Man-made imbalance makes us witness extreme phenomena

The Bishop of Caransebeș officiated on Tuesday a Te Deum and a commemoration service for the foresters in Romania’s Caraș-Severin county. As the offices were held in a church founded by a forester, the hierarch called to prayer and action for the protection of the environment. „Man-made imbalance makes us witness extreme phenomena in our country,” he said.

His Eminence Lucian officiated the religious services at the “St Lucy of Rome” Diocesan Chapel in the town of Vărădia, after the Parish Priest Cosmin Oltean and Father Fanurie Jugariu, Abbot of Vărădia Skete, officiated the Divine Liturgy. The liturgical answers were offered by the “Ethos” Psaltic music group. Foresters and faithful participated.

“We believe that this reunion of the foresters in Caraș-Severin county and beyond is welcome especially since we live in complicated times. The Romanian forests have suffered a lot lately. The Romanian waters have been polluted,” said the bishop.

The hierarch transmitted a message to those responsible for protecting the Romanian natural environment and to all the faithful.

“I believe forestry workers and all those responsible for protecting the environment in our country should join efforts at the eleventh hour so that what surrounds us, God’s creation, becomes clean again, as it was just after the Creation,” he added.

“May God grant good health to everybody, so they work the good deeds and together take care of the environment, which is God’s creation. We are bound to pray more and also act to clean and protect the Romanian environment, forests, fields and waters,” continued the bishop.

“May God give us all enlightened minds, pure souls and work power so that we be able to do something for our environment soon, for a cleaner life, for return to normalcy on all levels,” he concluded.

The “Holy Martyr Lucy of Rome” Church was founded by Romanian forestry engineer Gheorghe Cahniță to give thanks to God for the “natural cathedral” of the forest.

The church is part of the diocesan Arcidava Complex on the Cells’ Hill in Vărădia, where the Diocese of  Caransebeș organizes youth creation camps.

Photo credit: Diocese of Caransebeș

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