Recently discovered star carries name of Romanian city

Astronomer Ciprian Vîntdevară, who works at the Vasile Pârvan Astronomic Observatory in Bârlad has discovered a Delta Scuti variable star, which now carries the name of the eastern Romania city.

The star, which has been named Bârlad V1, is found some 4,000 light-years from Earth, in the area of the Perseus constellation.

The star was discovered in early November 2019, and is now in the data base of the American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO).

“I have noticed that one of the stars is variable, and was not in the database of the AAVSO. It is a Delta Scuti star, and has a variation of 98 minutes from a minimum to a maximum,”.

This is not his first discovery. Five years ago, he noticed a luminous red nova in the Messier 101 galaxy.

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