European Day of Languages: Romanian Saints who were polyglots

In the context of the European Day of Languages, we tried to find the polyglots among the list of Romanian Saints. Here’s what we have found:

Ruler Prince Saint Neagoe Basarab (September 26) spoke Romanian (mother tongue), Slavonic, Greek, Latin, Turkish, German, and Hungarian. Before becoming the ruler prince of Wallachia, he worked as postelnic, one of the closest counsellors of the Voivode in foreign affairs and had to speak several foreign languages.

Ruler Prince Saint Neagoe Basarab

Hieromartyr Saint Anthimos the Iberian, Metropolitan of Wallachia (September 27) knew Greek, Romanian, Slavonic, Arabic, Turkish and Georgian (mother tongue).

Saint Anthimos the Iberian, metropolitan of Wallachia

Saint Andrew Saguna, Metropolitan of Transylvania (November 30) spoke Romanian (mother tongue), Hungarian, German, Greek, Slavonic, Serbian, and French.

Saint Andrew Saguna

Saint Dositheus, Metropolitan of Moldavia (December 13) was fluent in Romanian (mother tongue), Greek, Latin, Slavonic, Polish, and Ukrainian.

Saint Dositheus, Metropolitan of Moldavia

Saint Antipas of Calapodesti or of Valaam Monastery (January 10) spoke Romanian (mother tongue), Greek and Russian.

Sf. Cuv. Antipa de la Calapodești
Venerable Antipas the Athonite

Saint Jacob of Putna, Metropolitan of Moldavia (May 15) knew Romanian (mother tongue), Greek and Slavonic.

Saint Jacob of Putna

Saint Barlaam the Metropolitan of Moldavia (August 30) mastered Romanian (mother tongue), Latin, Greek and Slavonic.

Saint Barlaam of Moldavia


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