Bishop Ignatie: Pay more attention to online youth ministry!

‘Let us pay more attention to online youth ministry,’ His Grace Bishop Ignatie of Husi urged the representatives of the Diocesan Youth Departments gathered in Cluj for consultation.

‘Stop being captives to regular strategies for youth mission,’ the bishop said.

‘We need a more relevant online presence on social platforms. Let’s try to be present to change the youth communication paradigm. There is this parallel universe called social media, and many young people are connected there. We must have a message for them.’

His Grace Bishop Ignatie stressed the need to communicate online the Christ-centered lifestyle in an attractive manner ‘to awaken such a great interest, as everything related to secular life does.’

‘Through everything we do we must convey an authentic and beautiful lifestyle in Christ. It is our duty, through our own language, to make young people say: Yes! It is wonderful to live in Christ.’

‘Let us offer an alternative to all pursuits young people have,’ the Bishop of Husi said ending his speech.

Bishop Ignatie is known for his openness to online ministry. He has official Instagram and Twitter accounts.

Representatives of the diocesan Youth Departments meeeting in Cluj. ©Mitropolis of Cluj, Maramureș and Sălaj.

The consultative meeting of the representatives of the diocesan youth departments of the Metropolis of Cluj, Maramures and Salaj was chaired by His Eminence Metropolitan Andrei Andreicut.

The meeting was hosted on Friday, March 29, 2019, by the Nicolae Ivan Hall of the Archdiocesan Centre in Cluj.

Photography courtesy of Metropolis of Cluj

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