Neamț priest builds house for 9-children family

A new home worth 70,000 lei ($17,750) was built and donated to a family with nine children by the parish priest in Timișești, Neamț County, Romania. The home was recently blessed by Metropolitan Teofan of Moldavia and Bucovina.

Fr. Petru Gavriloaia managed, with the support of the local faithful and authorities, to build a new home for the Stanciu family, which lives in difficult conditions. The home is equipped with all utilities, including a bath and hot water.

Fr. Petru Gavriloaia managed, with the support of the local faithful and authorities, to build a new home for the Stanciu family, which lives in difficult conditions. The home is equipped with all utilities, including a bath and hot water.

“Our mission was not to build, but to save souls,” Fr. Petru stated at the blessing service. “We tried to show faith through deeds, to let the facts speak. We managed to hand the keys to these nine children within two months.”

The priest also noted that while many were supportive, some people objected to the project. “I have been criticized by some that I couldn’t convince the parents to stop making children. It hurt me,” Fr. Petru said. The family comes to church every Sunday, the priest added, also thanking all who helped to build the house.

For his part, Metropolitan Teofan also praised the initiative and solidarity of those who offered their good deeds:

“I am very happy that there are such people who gather around their priest for such an initiative. Many things are falling apart in this country, and usually we just watch, but there are also beautiful things, as this initiative is. I ask God to reward you for trouble.”

The hierarch also emphasized how God’s protection is enjoyed by families with many children:

“Wherever a child is born, the hand of God protects it, even if the family is having a hard time. God bless you all. Psalm 40 says, Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble. If man has done good in his lifetime, he will be free from evil and will receive power in suffering.”

Before leaving, Met. Teofan also offered financial support to the family to help them through the cold season.

Translated by Ortho Christian

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