8 August 1808 – PROCOPIE IVAȘCOVICI, Bishop, Metropolitan and then Patriarch, was born in Deliblata (today’s Serbian Banat)

8 August 1808 – PROCOPIE IVAȘCOVICI (baptised Petru), Bishop, Metropolitan and then Patriarch, was born in Deliblata (today’s Serbian Banat). Gymnasium studies at Oradea and Novisad. Studies of philosophy at Kesmark, Theology at Vârșeț, and of Law at Sarospatak. Monk at the Serb Monastery of Ghergheteg, professor at the Theological Seminary of Carloviț (1835), at the same time secretary and counsellor at the Metropolitan See of Carloviț (1838), abbot of Cruședol Monastery (1846); Bishop of Arad (1853 – 1873), Metropolitan of Transylvania after the death of Andrei Șaguna (1873 – 1874), Patriarch of the Serb Orthodox Church, seated in Carloviț (1874 – 1880); obligated by the Hungarian Government to retire from his dignity. He built an Episcopal Cathedral at Arad and was the first president of the “National Association of Arad for the culture of the Romanian people” (1863). He passed away on 11 May 1881 in the Biserica Albă locality (today’s Serb Banat), buried in the Cathedral of Carloviț.

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