16 March 1927 – Priest, poet and translator Morariu Constantin passed away in Cernăuți


March 1927 – Priest, poet and translator MORARIU CONSTANTIN passed away

in Cernăuți – photo – (born on 5 May 1854, in Mitocu Dragomirnei,

county of Suceava). Studies at the Secondary School in Sucevița (1866 –

1874) and at the Faculty of Theology of Cernăuți (1874 – 1878). Priest

in Toporăuți (1878 – 1885), Cernăuți (1886 – 1896) and Pătrăuți (1896 –

1917), metropolitan counsellor in Cernăuți (1918 – 1926); militant for

the rights of the Romanians in Bucovina. He collaborated with many

Romanian newspapers of the time: “Familia” (Oradea city), “Convorbiri

literare” and “Viața Românească” (Iași city), “Glasul Bucovinei” and

“Candela” in Cernăuți city, “Neamul Românesc” in Bucharest etc.; he

edited the “Deșteptarea” newspaper in Cernăuți city all by himself, in

which he published poems, historical, literary, pedagogical and

economical articles, brochures with historical, theological and

missionary character.

Works: History of the Real Orthodox Schools

of Cernăuți City (1889); Kulturhistorische und etnographische Skizzen

uber die Rumanen der Bukovine (2 vol., 1889-1891); Parts of the History

of the Romanians in Bucovina (2 volumes, 1889 – 1894).

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