Serbian Patriarch Porfirije’s first statement: I entreat all to pray for me

Immediately after his election, the new Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church urged everyone to pray to God for him.

“Today, I call God’s blessing upon all our brothers and sisters—the children of our Church of St. Sava, and all people of goodwill and upon the whole world. I entreat all to pray to God for my mediocrity, that together we might walk the path of salvation to the Kingdom of Heaven, as did our holy predecessors”, His Beatitude Patriarch Porfirije said in a short video message published on the Serbian Church’s YouTube channel.

Metropolitan Porfirije of Zagreb and Ljubljana was elected the 46th Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church Thursday during the Bishops’ Assembly at St. Sava’s Cathedral in Belgrade.

After the election, Patriarch Daniel congratulated the new Patriarch of Serbia, wishing him “many spiritual accomplishments in the new mission entrusted to him”.

Photography courtesy of Srđan Ilić /

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