Holy Brâncoveanu Martyrs commemorated in Istanbul

In Istanbul, Turkey took place on Sunday, 18 October 2015, the commemoration of the Holy Brâncoveanu Martyrs. As informed by Fr Marcel Sergiu Vlad, the event was hosted by the Romanian Orthodox Parish in Istanbul at St Martyr Paraskevi Church in Hasköy, which is a foundation of Ruler Prince St Constantine Brâncoveanu, and began with the service of the Divine Liturgy officiated in Romanian and Greek languages by His Eminence Metropolitan Gennadios of Sassima, surrounded by an assembly of priests.

At the Divine Liturgy also assisted His Excellency Mr Radu Onofrei, Ambassador of Romania to Turkey, different representatives of the General Consulate of Romania to Istanbul, Her Excellency Mrs Nadia Tunsu, director of the Romanian Cultural Institute Dimitrie Cantemir in Istanbul, and Acad. Mr Victor Crăciun, President of the Romanian Cultural League for the Unity of Romanians from Abroad, university professors, journalists and intellectuals, members of the League.

After the Divine Liturgy, in front of the over 150 Romanians present, took the floor His Eminence Metropolitan Gennadios of Sassima, His Excellency Mr Ambassador Radu Onofrei and Acad. Mr President Victor Crăciun.

His Eminence Metropolitan Gennadios, in his word, conveyed to the present faithful the blessing of His Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and advised the faithful to pray for the refugees and the persons who run away from war zones. Referring to the refugee crisis, His Eminence emphasized the fact that the Christian Church has to support these people who find themselves in a difficult situation irrespective of religion, because we were all created in the image of God.

His Eminence Metropolitan Gennadios also conveyed warm wishes and deep consideration to His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of Romania.

His Excellency Mr Radu Onofrei addressed to the present Romanians regarding the importance of the Holy Ruler Prince Constantine Brâncoveanu in our history and the process of our formation as a nation. His Excellency also thanked to His Holiness Bartholomew, the Ecumenical Patriarchate and the Turkish Government for the functioning of St Martyr Paraskevi Church and that the Romanian Community can freely practice their worship. He addressed special thanks to the Turkish Government for allowing to install a memorial plaque dedicated to the Holy Brâncoveanu Martyrs at the old fortress Yedikule, now a museum.

Next, Acad. Mr Victor Crăciun offered commemorative medals to His Eminence Metropolitan Gennadios, His Excellency Ambassador Radu Onofrei and Fr Sergiu Marcel Vlad.

After offering the awards on behalf of the Cultural League, followed the unveiling of the commemorative plaque dedicated to the Holy Brâncoveanu Martyrs. The plaque written in two languages, Romanian and Turkish, was installed on the eastern wall of the church, having the following inscription: “To eternal memory of the sacrificial Ruler Prince of Wallachia Constantine Brâncoveanu Basarab (1654-1688-1714), of his sons Constantine, Stephen, Radu and Matthew, and of his son-in-law Ianache Văcărescu at the 300th commemoration of their death, and of the scholar Metropolitan Anthimos the Ivirite – Initiators of Romanian Culture and Protectors of the Spirituality of our people. Romanian Orthodox Community in Turkey. Romanian Cultural League”.

The festivity of commemoration continued in the refectory (trapeza) of the church with a recital of popular ballads and doinas, performed by rhapsodiste Ion Crețeanu, following a short documentary on the life of Ruler Prince St Constantine Brâncoveanu.

After the recital, the guests had the joy to eat a Romanian traditional meal.

The manifestation was organized by the Romanian Cultural Institute Dimitrie Cantemir in Istanbul, the Cultural League for the Unity of Romanians from Abroad and the Romanian Orthodox Parish in Istanbul.

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