Bucharest Theology Faculty graduate elected bishop in Bulgaria

The Very Rev. Archimandrite Makary Chakarov from Rila Monastery, a graduate of the Patriarch Justinian Faculty of Orthodox Theology in Bucharest, will become a bishop in Bulgaria.

During its working session on April 13, 2022, the Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church elected Archimandrite Makary as assistant bishop to Metropolitan Naum of Ruse, with the title “Glavinitsky”.

The ordination to the episcopacy will take place on June 21, the Bulgarian Patriarchate announced.

Archimandrite Makary Chakarov was born in 1981 in Sofia. He graduated from the Theological Seminary in Plovdiv and then obtained his degree at the Faculty of Theology in Bucharest, which he graduated in 2004. Finally, he completed his master’s studies in Thessaloniki.

In 2007 he was tonsured a monk at Rila Monastery. He was ordained a hierodeacon in 2008 and became a hieromonk in 2011. In March 2017 he was elevated to the rank of archimandrite.

Photo: Bulgarian Patriarchate

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