Romanian Patriarchate delegation visits Sofia Embassy during enthronement of new Bulgarian Patriarch

The delegation of the Romanian Patriarchate invited for the enthronement of Bulgaria’s Patriarch Daniil also visited the Romanian Embassy in Sofia on Sunday. The delegation, consisting of His Eminence Hon Metropolitan Nifon, Archbishop of Târgoviște and Patriarchal Exarch, and Hierodeacon Nicolae Iftimiu, Patriarchal Counsellor and Director of the Basilica News Agency, was received by Her Excellency Brândușa Ioana Predescu, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Romania to the Republic of Bulgaria.

“There is an exquisite custom that when we participate in an event of great importance for the life of the Orthodox Church, we also visit the Romanian diplomatic representation in that country,” said His Eminence Metropolitan Nifon.

“I am very pleased to say that the ambassador serves the embassy here with great devotion and competence. I was impressed by the fact that the relations between our countries always emphasize the element of communion between the Autocephalous Orthodox Churches.”

“Autocephaly means independence, but it also means unity in harmony of thought and Christian action within the Orthodox dimension. These ideas should guide us in any activity we undertake,” His Eminence added.

On Sunday, June 30, 2024, Ambassador Brândușa Ioana Predescu received the visit of the Romanian Patriarchate delegation attending the enthronement of the new Patriarch of Bulgaria, led by His Eminence Hon Metropolitan Nifon. Photo credit: / Raluca Ene

“This was a significant visit for us at the Romanian Embassy in Sofia. The fact that His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel sends such a significant delegation at a historic moment for Bulgaria highlights the relationship between the two sister Orthodox Churches and contributes to further strengthening the relationship between our countries, Romania and Bulgaria,” stated Her Excellency Brândușa Ioana Predescu.

“I discussed with His Eminence Metropolitan Nifon that between the two diplomacies, secular and ecclesiastical, we serve the same cause: Romania.”

On Sunday, the Bulgarian Orthodox Church elected its new Patriarch, His Beatitude Daniil, the former Metropolitan of Vidin. The new Patriarch was enthroned the same day. The events were attended by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople and delegations of the sister Orthodox Churches.

His Beatitude Neophyte, the third Patriarch since the restoration of the Bulgarian Patriarchate, reposed in the Lord on March 13, 2024, at the age of 78, after 11 years of ministry as Patriarch of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church.

The Bulgarian Orthodox Church received autocephaly in 1945, was proclaimed a Patriarchate in 1951, and was recognized as such by the Ecumenical Patriarchate in 1961.

Photography courtesy of / Raluca Ene

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