Patriarch Daniel urges parents, professors and priests to support young people who are taking exams

His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel of the Romanian Orthodox Church has issued a heartfelt message encouraging teachers, parents, and priests to offer tangible support to students facing exams during this period.

Emphasizing the Church’s historical commitment to education, Patriarch Daniel highlighted the importance of intellectual, spiritual, and moral development.

He stressed that exams serve as significant opportunities for intellectual and emotional growth, as well as crucial steps towards fostering values that promote dialogue and natural human communion.

His message called for a collective effort from educators, families, and religious leaders to provide students with practical assistance and spiritual support.

Read the full text of the message below:

Blessing and Encouragement for Exams

Dear students, dear young people,

Throughout its entire history, the Church has supported and promoted schools and the intellectual, spiritual, and moral education of people.

The exams we take in life are real opportunities for intellectual and emotional evaluation and maturation in a society increasingly driven by competition, but also steps towards understanding and acquiring values that enhance the essential culture of dialogue and maintain natural communion among people.

During this exam period, full of emotion and intense intellectual effort, we urge parents and teachers, as well as the priests in your parishes, to support you concretely, each in their sphere of competence and communication with you, combining good advice and encouragement with prayer and personal assistance.

We pray to our Saviour Jesus Christ, the Teacher and Light of the world, to grant you peace of soul, much courage, success, and joy!

With fatherly love and blessing,

† Daniel
Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church

Photography courtesy of the Files

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