Patriarch Daniel: Let us continue to help refugees, pray for peace and be peacemakers!

From the very beginning, the Romanian Patriarchate noted with the utmost concern the beginning of the war in Ukraine, a war launched by Russia against a sovereign and independent state.

The Romanian Patriarchate also called for prayer and solidarity to support and assist Ukrainian citizens, refugees in Romania, due to the war.

Thus, collections or actions to help refugees from Ukraine were organized throughout the Romanian Orthodox Church. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians have entered our country in recent days, fleeing the war.

Since they entered Romania, they have been greeted with great compassion, friendship and solidarity by representatives of the dioceses of the Romanian Orthodox Church, who have offered them help.

As a result, the Romanian Patriarchate thanks all the dioceses that have responded to its call for fraternal cooperation and continue to contribute to helping Ukrainian refugees.

In particular, we thank the dioceses on the border with Ukraine: the Metropolis of Bessarabia, the Archdiocese of Suceava and Radauti, the Diocese of Maramures and Satmar, and the Diocese of Tulcea.

In the current context, marked by violence and much suffering in Ukraine, it is still necessary to help Ukrainian refugees in transit in Romania or stay here for a while.

At the same time, we are called to increase our prayers to God so that the war may end and there may be peace so that the refugees may return to their homeland.

Especially now, during Lent, when fervent prayer sustains sincere repentance for sins and makes fasting to bear the fruits of humility, peace, and goodness, it is necessary to cultivate peace of heart and pray for peace among peoples.

Military violence in war should not be imitated by verbal violence, assault, or denigration.

Therefore, while in the Orthodox services we are often offered the blessing of “Peace be to all”, it is necessary to make this peace present and fruitful in the Church, in the family, in society and in relations between peoples, for the glory of the Holy Trinity and the welfare of humankind!

† Daniel
Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church

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