Bishop Ieronim of Sinaia: The construction of the National Cathedral is a call and a still breeze of resurrection for our nation

The patriarchal auxiliary bishop Ieronim of Sinaia said on Bright Monday that “the wonderful work” carried out at the National Cathedral “is a call and a still breeze of resurrection for our nation.”

During his homily at the Chapel of the National Cathedral, Bishop Ieronim referred to God’s “still breeze of resurrection” in the hearts of the believers.

He defined this still breeze as a power from God that helps “to accomplish good, to work good in your life and being, and to work good around you – to your neighbour and to our society, which needs a lot of guidance and much good.”

“May God help us to spread this work of the Resurrection over our entire nation [starting] from here, from the Chapel of the National Cathedral,” Bishop Ieronim said.

He expressed confidence that “our nation, which, although it has spread over many meridians of the Earth, still has the resources to regenerate.”

These “resources for the resurrection” are found “in its gene, in education, in the faith that the Church preaches, in our Romanian law”, he continued.

The patriarchal auxiliary bishop prayed God “to help us that step by step, through the love and good cooperation of all Christians and through the small or great sacrifice of all, to fulfil” this work for the resurrection of the Romanian nation.

“When in a church, even if symbolically and with small sacrifices, as many of the sons and daughters of a nation participate, this being a church of the whole nation, then they are small parts in this complex work,” the patriarchal auxiliary bishop noted.

“And together we are a church dedicated to God, a church of the Resurrection, a church of hope, a church of the good work of the gospel of Christ,” he concluded.

Photography courtesy of Files / Raluca Ene

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