Thanksgiving Prayer for the Works at the Cathedral for the Nation’s Salvation

After seeing the present stage of the construction of the Cathedral for the Nation’s Salvation, Mr Victor Ponta, Prime Minister of the Romanian Government, and Mr Gabriel Oprea, vice-prime minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs, and Mr Robert Cazanciuc, Minister for Justice, attended a thanksgiving prayer for the works executed so far to the new Cathedral, celebrated by His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel in the chapel of the “Resurrection of the Lord” of the Cathedral for the Nation’s Salvation.

To end with the thanksgiving prayer, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel expressed his gratitude to the Romanian Government for the help granted to the construction of the Cathedral for the Nation’s Salvation and offered Mr Prime Minister Victor Ponta an icon and awarded him the Order of “Saint Andrew the Apostle”, Protector of Romania and of the Cathedral for the Nation’s Salvation, and the two ministers the Order of “Saints Emperors Constantine and Helen”.

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