25th Anniversary of Pope John Paul II’s Historic Visit to Romania

This year marks the 25th anniversary of Pope John Paul II’s momentous visit to Romania, a significant event in the history of both the Catholic and Orthodox communities. Held on May 7-9, 1999, this visit marked a Pope’s first visit to a predominantly Orthodox country, underscoring a pivotal moment of ecumenical dialogue and cooperation.

During his visit, Pope John Paul II assisted at the Divine Liturgy celebrated in Union Square by the late Patriarch Teoctist. He paid homage to the site initially chosen to construct the National Cathedral, also known as the Romanian People’s Salvation Cathedral. His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel fondly recalled this event in 2019 during Pope Francis’s visit to Romania.

In his reflection, Patriarch Daniel highlighted Pope John Paul II’s substantial contribution of $200,000 towards the National Cathedral. This donation was specifically used to acquire the cathedral’s bells, a significant symbol in Orthodox and Catholic traditions.

“In 2017, this financial aid was symbolically integrated by the Romanian Patriarchate as part of the total cost of €500,000 for acquiring the bells of the National Cathedral from the Catholic company Grassmayr in Innsbruck, Austria. In both Orthodox and Catholic traditions, bells hold profound symbolic value: they represent the voice of God, calling people to prayer and fraternal cooperation,” Patriarch Daniel noted.

Pope John Paul II

Pope John Paul II, born Karol Józef Wojtyła on May 18, 1920, in Wadowice, Poland, ascended to the papacy in 1978 following the death of Pope John Paul I. His pontificate, one of the longest in the history of the Catholic Church, lasted 27 years until his passing on April 2, 2005. He is buried in the crypt of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.

Pope John Paul II’s visit to Romania remains a landmark in the ongoing journey toward Christian unity and mutual understanding. His legacy, marked by his efforts to bridge gaps between different Christian denominations, resonates profoundly within the Romanian Orthodox Church and the broader Christian community.

Photography courtesy of the Romanian Patriarchate’s press office

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