2024 graduating class of Bucharest Faculty of Orthodox Theology takes oath of faith: Choose hard, honest work

Bucharest, Romania — On Monday, the 2024 graduating class of the “Patriarch Justinian” Faculty of Theology in Bucharest took their oath of faith in the Aula Magna of the Patriarchal Palace.

“Always choose truth over falsehood and dignity over self-serving servility. Choose hard, honest work instead of opportunism and the pursuit of immediate gain,” said Fr. Cosmin Pricop, the dean of the theological educational institution, in his address to the graduates.

“I can only hope and pray to God that all the choices you have made and will make lead to a house and a life built on a rock-solid foundation, not on sand.”

“Never try to appear as something other than who you are because sooner or later, others will see who you truly are. Do not chase after false titles of glory or adorn yourselves with questionable merits.”

The dean spoke to the graduates about the imperative of kindness and the courage to learn from the best.

“Choose to be kind because the world can be considerably better with minimal effort: a smile, a greeting, a kind word—simple antidotes to the lack of common decency we encounter everywhere. Have the courage and strength to learn from the best among you, and above all, never forget God!”

“Not because you are theology graduates, but because we, all those who contributed to your formation in university, hope that beyond courses, seminars, papers, exams, and grades, we have taught you as much as we could about the work and order of God in the world and everyone’s lives. Take this with you first and foremost and build your house, meaning your life, on the most secure foundation, God. It will be much more enduring and fulfilling!” he added at the end.

The dean’s speech was preceded by a speech from the Vice-Rector of the University of Bucharest, Prof. Laura Comănescu.

“You have graduated from a distinguished faculty that has shaped you as individuals and has a highly esteemed faculty staff. I can proudly say that you have graduated from the best Faculty of Theology in the country. Wherever you go, regardless of your path in life, be proud that you are graduates of this institution,” said the Vice-Rector of the University of Bucharest.

Additionally, a word of thanks was addressed by graduate Răducu Virgil Gheorghe, the valedictorian of the Orthodox Theology students and a student representative.

At the end, after the oath of faith ceremony, His Beatitude Patriarch Daniel addressed the graduates with a blessing, stating that “the Church expects young graduates to be bearers of hope where confusion and despair dominate the soul.”

Subsequently, the Patriarch of Romania presented plaques and medals to the valedictorians and top graduates from each specialization.

Photography courtesy of Lumina Newspaper / Mihnea Păduraru

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