15 things you might not know about Basilica.ro

On our 15th anniversary of online ministry, we want to share with you 15 things that you might not know about the Basilica News Agency.

  1. The Basilica News Agency is the only news agency of an Orthodox Autocephalous Church.
  2. Materials published on Basilica.ro are not interrupted by commercials.
  3. On average, our articles are accessed by 20,000 unique users per day.
  4. Our motto is “The Good to Know.”
  5. Besides the Romanian version of the website, we publish news articles in English for our international readers.
  6. The Basilica News Agency sends “The Good News Letter”: on Monday it includes representative news in Romanian; on Wednesday, we highlight trends and information from social media; on Thursday, we feature articles in English; on Friday, we promote cultural events.
  7. We published over 111,850 articles so far.
  8. Our news articles are available exclusively online and can be used by individuals or institutions for free, for professional purposes, with the indication of the source and compliance with the terms and conditions of use.
  9. Basilica News Agency has accounts on all major social media platforms, including Telegram.
  10. Basilica.ro is a research topic in universities and is offered as an example to specialized faculties.
  11. Basilica.ro practices solution journalism by promoting good practice models in philanthropy, ecology, education and other areas of interest for today’s society.
  12. The content of the Basilica.ro website includes news from the daily life of the Church and society, but not all news articles represent official positions of the Romanian Orthodox Church.
  13. Every week we publish a collection of representative photos from the Orthodox world under the title “The Week in Pictures”. Our readers contribute to this article with their photographs.
  14. Although active only in the online environment, Basilica.ro encourages using social networks with discernment.
  15. Our spiritual protectors are Saint Demetrius the New and the Holy Trinity.

Photography courtesy of Basilica.ro / Raluca-Emanuela Ene

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