Ordination of the New Metropolitan of Karpenission, in Athens

On 12 March 2016, the new Metropolitan of Karpenission, Georgios Rebelos, was ordained as hierarch in the Archiepiscopal Cathedral of Saint Dionysius the Areopagite, in Athens – the official website of the Orthodox Church of Greece informs.

Archimandrite Georgios Rebelos was ordained hierarch during the Divine Liturgy celebrated on Saturday by His Beatitude Hieronymus, Archbishop of Athens and all Greece, together with 14 other hierarchs of the Orthodox Church of Greece, as a result of the decision of the Holy Synod.

“Rely on the Church and receive power from it. The Altar of the Lord will continue to be Alpha and Omega in your life, either if you are glad, sad, applauded or blamed, your service will always be strongly inspired by the sacrifice of the Lord”, Archbishop Ieronim said, addressing his spiritual son, the new Metropolitan of Karpenission.

“Pray so that my service should be pleasant to God and to the humans and I be worthy of my mission”, Metropolitan Georgios said in his speech.

“Archimandrite Georgios Rebelos was elected Metropolitan of Karpenission by the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church of Greece convened in extraordinary meeting from 8 – 10 March 2016, at the Synodal Palace in Athens.

The new Metropolitan of Karpenission was born in 1963, in Kastella village, Evia. In 1985, he graduated the Pedagogical Academy of Lamia, and in 1993 the Faculty of Theology within the University of Athens.

In September 1994, he was ordained deacon and then priest by His Beatitude Archbishop Hieronymus, Metropolitan of Teba and Levadia at the time. From 2008 forward he has served as secretary of the synodal commissions, and since October 2014, as secondary Secretary of the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church of Greece.

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