Christian Leadership | 8 pieces of advice from Ruler Prince Saint Neagoe Basarab for a person holding managerial position

  1. Have a fair and sincere judgment.

  2. Be gentle and indulgent to others.

  3. Help the weak and correct them. Do not only your own will but also that of your fellow, poor or helpless.

  4. Read the Holy Scripture, and meditate on its words.

  5. Venerate the holy icons, go to church, listen to the divine services and pray continually, because thus your heart will be illumined and you will see God.

  6. Have the bee’s wisdom to gather from others what is good, and to guard yourself against what is evil.

  7. Do not rush and hide elsewhere, leaving the people when stronger enemies attack the country because it is an unworthy thing. Take God in your heart as help, and pray. Fight without fear, because God is compassionate and will help you for your faith.

  8. Do not be a hypocrite to the rich, neither give alms to the poor with half the measure, but make a righteous judgment to both rich and poor.


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