St Theotimus, Bishop of Tomis; Venerable Theodore Trichinas (Memorial Saturday)

Orthodox Calendar April 20

St Theotimus, Bishop of Tomis

Saint Theotimus the Scythian was Bishop of Tomis in Scythia. He was a native of Dacia Pontica, and was part Roman. He is believed to have been the teacher of Saint John Cassian (February 29) and Saint Germanus, because he was once living in the same monastery as they were.Somewhere between 385-390, Saint Theotimus succeeded Saint Germanus as Bishop of Tomis. Saint Jerome mentions him in his book On illustrius men. He describes Saint Theotimus as a good pastor, a wise theologian, and a talented writer. He also says that Saint Theotimus used to write short works in the form of dialogues, which reveal his training in rhetoric and philosophy.

In his writings, Saint Theotimus speaks of the role of the mind and the heart in prayer. Perhaps because of this he is considered to be the Father of the Romanian Philokalia.

Saint Theotimus sometimes endured hardships from wandering barbarians, but he impressed them with the holiness of his life and the miracles he performed. He also had close ties with Saint John Chrysostom, and visited Constantinople at least twice.

Sometime around 410, Saint Theotimus fell asleep in the Lord. Ancient historians also refer to him as “the Philosopher.”

Troparion, tone 4

In truth you were revealed to your flock as a rule of faith, / an image of humility and a teacher of abstinence; / your humility exalted you; your poverty enriched you. / Hierarch Father Theotimus, / entreat Christ our God that our souls may be saved.

Venerable Theodore Trichinas

Saint Theodore Trichinas was born in Constantinople, the son of wealthy and pious parents. From childhood Saint Theodore was inclined toward monasticism, so he left his home, family, and former life in order to enter a monastery in Thrace.

There he began his arduous ascetic struggles. He dressed in a hair-shirt, from which he derived the name “Trichinas,” (or Hair-Shirt Wearer”). He even slept on a stone in order avoid bodily comfort, and to prevent himself from sleeping too much.

His life was adorned with miracles, and he had the power to heal the sick. He reposed at the end of the fourth century, or the beginning of the fifth century. A healing myrrh flows from his relics.

The name of Saint Theodore Trichinas is one of the most revered in the history of Orthodox monasticism. Saint Joseph the Hymnographer (April 4) has composed a Canon to the saint.

Troparion — Tone 3
Holy Father Theodore, / you were a temple of abstinence and a vessel of dispassion; / you served God by your works, / and were found worthy of His gifts. / Now pray to Christ our God to grant us His great mercy.

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